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From the Founder of

The Continental Singers

“Getting our hearts aligned with God’s. Could there be a greater goal?  The chapter on worship especially spoke to me - - imagine the mountains shouting, the trees clapping and the hills singing.  It’s a beautiful read written by a dear friend.”


Michael W. Smith


- Two Ways to Get Your Copy! -

Have you ever wondered what God saw in David for Him to say,

“I have found in David a man after my own heart”?

After 25 years of research, Cam Floria's new book exposes David’s

secrets through his life story, in his conversations and statements,

and in his writings, lyrics, songs and Psalms.


The characteristics of being a person after God’s heart are not only identified in this new book, but are possible for each of us to achieve!  The book includes a helpful Bible Study, “Living the Christian Life in Today’s World”.



 You can order your discounted 

copy here at the

CGF Online Store

Note: This option is purchase only, and you will not receive a tax deductible receipt.



Support CGF with a gift of any amount

and receive

a FREE paperback copy of

Cam Floria’s new book,



Donate Online HERE Now





In 1967, CAM FLORIA founded The Continental Singers ministry in California. He was President and the driving creative force of its growth for more than four decades. In 2011, after the organization completed its long season of ministry operation in the US, the Continentals Global Foundation was established to support the ongoing internationally-based teams that were set in motion during the remarkable 44-year season based in the US, effectively perpetuating the ripple effect of that life-changing ministry.


CGF champions the foundational tenets of what made the Continental Singers ministry unique - Vision, Leadership, Excellence and Impact - and now these hallmark values serve as the four pillars of what CGF seeks to duplicate around the globe.


This Fall, Cam Floria will release his first book, DAVID’S SEVEN SECRETS, birthed out of a 25 year personal study of how God worked through the life of David, calling him ‘a man after God’s own heart.” Cam has graciously offered the book at a reduced wholesale cost to CGF, and the opportunity to pre-sell the book for the benefit of the Foundation, well before the book is available on Amazon and traditional retail outlets.


The Continentals Global Foundation is pleased to offer this exciting new book to our supporters as a way to further the impact of CGF around the world. A large portion of the proceeds of the sale of the book will go directly to our work of supporting developmental music ministry efforts in many countries where financial and creative resources are scarce, and where harvest for the gospel is plentiful.


We hope that you will be inspired by DAVID’S SEVEN SECRETS, and we thank you for supporting the work of the Continentals Global Foundation.

Whether you choose to donate a gift for your free copy

or purchase directly you will receive 


immediately upon its release. 


If you are an existing Sustaining Partner

you will receive your copy automatically.

Thank you for partnering with





Continentals Global Foundation

6501 E Greenway Parkway, #103-733, Scottsdale AZ 85254



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